Why should you choose a letting agent who is registered with TPO?
- Registered agents must follow The Property Ombudsman Letting Code of Practice. This sets out the framework within which registered agents must operate and the standards of service they must provide for both tenants and landlords.
- The Code is compulsory and is rigorously applied in our complaints handling.
- The agent is required and has agreed to have Professional Indemnity insurance to ensure that any compensation awarded to you can be paid.
- The agent is required and has agreed to have an in-house complaints system with written procedures; inform you how to refer any unresolved dispute to the Ombudsman and co-operate with any investigation by the Ombudsman.
- The agent agrees to pay compensation, in full and final settlement of a complaint, if this is awarded by the Ombudsman and is accepted by you as the complainant. This award must be paid promptly. The maximum that the Ombudsman can award is £25,000.
- In the rare case that an agent fails repeatedly to follow the rules of the scheme, the agent can be reprimanded, fined or expelled from the TPO.